Satsangha with Swami Yogatmananda ji Maharaj

Posted by drsausa on March 11, 2019 in Puja |

Adyapeath USA (Kali Mandir) will host this month’s Satsangha in the presence of Swami Yogatmananda ji Maharaj  on the March, 16th.  Swamiji Maharaj who is a monk of the Ramakrishna Order since 1976 and currently serving as the Minister of the Vedanta society of Providence, has kindly obliged to preside and speak on this event, on “DHARMA: CENTRAL IDEA IN BHAGAVADGITA”.

Swami Yogatmananda ji Maharaj, spent a considerable amount of his ascetic life at the Ramakrishna missions in India before he came to the US in 2001 as the Minister of the Vedanta Society of Providence. He is also the Hindu religious affiliate at the Brown University, Providence, RI and the Hindu chaplain at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MA.

Swami ji finds special interest in speaking on the theory of karma, compassion towards fellow beings and essentials towards executing your own plans in life, all in the light of Vedanta.

For the event to succeed we encourage all interested adults to attend in person. Please contact 732-213-7231 for any additional details on the event.

Always keep Adya Ma in your hearts and minds, please.


Joi Ma


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